Mediterranean Salad

Hi again! Today I prepared a delicious and colourful dish for you. This salad is perfect for a lunch or a dinner. In Spain we usually have salads everyday. Salads are fundamental for a balanced diet. This salad is a complete meal. It contains vegetables, protein and carbohydrate, so you wouldn't need anything else. I really love salads, it's one of my favourite dishes for dinner, specially during spring and summer. This salad is very fast to prepare, in just a few minutes you´ll be enjoying this healthy dish.


(Serves 2)

200 g. round lettuce
1 big tomato
100 g. sweetcorn
green olives
100 g. long grain rice
1 egg
1 slice of Spanish serrano ham
4 seafood sticks
1 teaspoonful of black caviar
3 tablespoons of wine vinegar
2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

Difficulty and cooking time:

20 minutes


Remove stems, wash lettuce and drain well using a colander.

Bring salted water to the boil and add the rice. Cook for 10 minutes stirring occasionally.

Drain the rice in a colander and rinse well.

In the meantime put an egg in salted cold water, bring to the boil and cook for 10 minutes.

Wash and chop the tomato and dice the seafood sticks.

Put the lettuce and the tomato in a large bowl.

Add the rice, sweetcorn and diced seafood sticks.

Decorate with serrano ham slices and the boiled egg.

Finally add some green olives and a teaspoonful of black caviar.

Salt to taste, season with 3 tablespoons of wine vinegar and 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and our salad is ready.

I hope you like it!
See you soon,



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