Chicken Fillets with a Blue Stilton Sauce

Hi everyone! Here you have my recipe for today. This is a dish I used to cook in Spain for those friends of mine who really love cheese. In Spain I  prepared this tasty recipe using "Cabrales" cheese, which is a very famous type of artisanal blue cheese made in the north of Spain. Since I move to Scotland I have been experimenting with new ingredients and flavours. I have used Blue Stilton cheese instead for this recipe and the result has been great.  It perfectly combines with the delicate and delicious flavour of Scottish chicken.


(Serves 4)

4 Chicken breast fillets
100 g. Blue Stilton cheese
200 ml. Cooking cream
Ground garlic
50 ml. Extra virgin olive oil

Difficulty and cooking time:

20 minutes


Finely slice the cheese.

Put the cream in a saucepan over a low heat.

Add the cheese.

Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring thoroughly until the cheese has completely melted and we have an even mixture.

Salt fillets to taste and add some ground garlic.

Add a couple of lugs of extra virgin olive oil to a frying pan over a medium heat.

Cook the fillets for about ten minutes, until they are golden brown.

Then add the Blue Stilton sauce.

Cook over a low heat for a couple of minutes and our dish is ready.

Serve hot with homemade fries.

I hope you enjoy this recipe.
See you soon,



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