Roast Chicken in Lemon and Beer Gravy

Hello! Here you have my recipe for today. It is really delicious and very easy to cook. You can prepare this roast chicken and keep it in the fridge for a couple of days. You can warm it just before serving it, or take it at work in a Tupperware.
Chicken meat is low in fat, so it is an ideal source of protein for those who do not want to put on weight, and besides, it has a light flavour that lends itself well to a lot of different ways of cooking it. This dish can go with a simple salad, rice, mashed potato or wedges.


Serves 4

1 whole chicken
1 lemon
Half an onion
250 ml beer
1 chicken stock cube
75 ml extra virgin olive oil
Ground black pepper

Difficulty and cooking time:

1 hour


Halve the lemon

Place the whole chicken on a roaster, squeeze the lemon and pour out the lemon juice.

Finely chop the onion and put it on the roaster with the chicken.

Then add the beer.

Add the extra virgin olive oil.

Salt to taste and sprinkle the ground black pepper.

Add the stock cube.

Preheat the oven to 180ºC. Place the chicken in the centre of the oven using the grill too. After half an hour turn over the chicken and continue cooking it for 20 minutes, until golden-brown.

And our dish is ready.

Carve the chicken and serve it with wedges, rice, mashed potato, your favourite vegetables or a salad.

I hope you enjoy this recipe!
See you soon.



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