Fruit Tartlets

Hello again! I' ve been cooking something special for you today. These little fruit tartlets are ideal for parties or for any celebration. The sweetness of their white chocolate filling perfectly combines with the fruit topping. I've used Spanish strawberries and blackberries, however you can choose any seasonal fruit instead. This dessert is very easy to prepare. My son loves it! indeed he has helped me to decorate these pretty and colourful tarts. You would only need 2 hours for setting. I hope you like this dessert as much as we do.


(Serves 4)

18 ready to fill pastry tartlets
150g white chocolate
300g mascarpone cheese
100 ml cooking cream
200 g strawberries
200 g blackberries
mint leaves

Difficulty and cooking time:

30 minutes


Divide the chocolate bar into small pieces.

Place the white chocolate and 150g of the mascarpone in a heatproof jug set over simmering water.

Stir well until the ingredients are melted.

Remove from the heat, add the remaining mascarpone and whisk thoroughly.

Pour the cooking cream and whisk until smooth.

Pour the resulting mixture into the pastry tartlets and place them in the fridge for about 2 hours, or until softly set.

Place your favourite fruit on top and decorate with mint leaves.

Enjoy it!
See you soon,



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